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Welcome to the Red Cross – the world’s largest voluntary humanitarian organization.
Here, you will find meaningful work, exciting career opportunities, and a great working environment with skilled and dedicated colleagues.
The Red Cross makes a significant difference in people’s lives, both in Norway and internationally. Every day, we strive to provide children with a safe upbringing, help combat loneliness and foster inclusion in our communities. We prevent disease and save lives by ensuring access to clean water and proper sanitation, and we provide health services and emergency aid to the most vulnerable. As one of our employees, you will contribute to this important mission.

Here, you can grow and develop
At the Red Cross, our people are our greatest asset, and we are committed to taking great care of them. As an employee, you will have opportunities to develop yourself and grow professionally. We encourage internal mobility within the organization, offering chances to take on new tasks and responsibilities. We emphasize professional development through a variety of internal and external courses and place great importance on cross-functional collaboration. You will be part of a professional community, working with and learning from skilled experts who are leaders in their fields.
We are looking for new colleagues
Can you envision a career in the Red Cross?
Vil du jobbe med utvikling og arkitektur av CRM-løsningen til verdens største frivillige humanitære organisasjon?
CRM ansvarlig - Dynamics 365 / Dataverse
Vil du jobbe med utvikling og arkitektur av CRM-løsningen til verdens største frivillige humanitære organisasjon?
See all available positions here.

– I don’t do things by halves. It’s all or nothing.
After 18 years in the supplier industry, Jah Langleite chose to pursue a career in the Red Cross. It was not a day too soon.
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– I don't to things by halves, it's all or nothing
– After 18 years in the supplier industry, Jah Langleite chose to join the Red Cross – and not a moment too soon.
Read more
– This is a great place to come to work. We care about each other, and we have a culture for exchanging ideas and interesting discussions.
– Her er det så mange mennesker som brenner for det de gjør, og som virkelig ønsker å gjøre en forskjell. Jeg blir så motivert og inspirert av det.
– When I see my work makes a difference for other people, I feel proud. That’s what drives me.
Diversity gives us strength
Our staff includes people from a wide range of educational and professional backgrounds, such as IT, journalism, economics, accounting, HR, law, anthropology, logistics, and political science, among others. We have approximately 750 employees in Norway, spread across our headquarters in Oslo and local offices, supported by over 42,000 volunteers nationwide.
For us to succeed, we rely on talented employees with diverse backgrounds. When different perspectives, experiences, and areas of expertise come together, we become stronger as an organization and are better equipped to fulfill our mission – to prevent and alleviate human suffering. This is why we recruit employees who reflect the diversity of society in terms of age, gender, ability, belief, and ethnicity.
We care about you
At the Red Cross, we are committed to ensuring that you enjoy your job while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Our work culture is built on support, mutual success, and inclusivity. We foster an open environment where everyone is encouraged to be themselves. We offer excellent pension and insurance schemes, a staff canteen, support for physical activity, flexible hours, and reduced working hours during the summer. At our national office, we also provide social activities like yoga, a sauna group, and a dodgeball team.
Does this sound interesting? If so, we encourage you to keep an eye on our job openings and apply for a position with us.

– Når jeg ser at det jeg jobber med gjør en forskjell for andre mennesker, da blir jeg stolt. Det er det som driver meg.
Silje Larsen
IT Business Partner i Norge Røde Kors
Vi bryr oss om deg
I Røde Kors er vi opptatt av at du skal trives på jobb. Vi vil at du skal ha en god balanse mellom jobb og fritid. Vi har en arbeidskultur der vi spiller hverandre gode, og ønsker å se hverandre lykkes. Vi bryr oss om hverandre, det er høyt under taket og rom for å være seg selv. Vi tilbyr veldig gode pensjons- og forsikringsordninger, kantineordning, støtte til trening, fleksitid og sommertid. På nasjonalkontoret har vi også sosiale aktiviteter som yoga, badstugruppe og bedriftsidrettslag i kanonball.

Vil du videreutvikle og modernisere vår CRM plattform On-Prem Microsoft Dynamics 2016?
Vil du ha ansvar for overordnet arkitektur og føringer i utviklingsprosjekter og arkitekturmålbilder for verdens største frivillige humanitære organisasjon?
Visste du at Røde Kors er en støtteaktør for norske myndigheter? Vil du være med å styrke samfunnets beredskapsevne?
Systemansvarlig og arkitekt for Datavarehus og Business Intelligence
Vil du ha det tekniske ansvaret for å videreutvikle Røde Kors sin API plattform? Vil du ha ansvar for overordnet arkitektur og føringer i utviklingsprosjekter, samt jobbe med arkitekturmålbilder?
Chief Information Officer:
Har du god IT-teknisk forståelse og solid ledererfaring? Vil du lede og utvikle IT-enheten til verdens største frivillige humanitære organisasjon?
Vil du være med å flytte, modernisere og videreutvikle vår CRM-løsning On-Prem Microsoft Dynamics 2016 til skyen?
Har du god helhetsforståelse for API-utvikling? Ønsker du å jobbe i verdens største humanitære frivillige organisasjon?
Service Now-utvikler
Er du god til å sette deg inn i nye ting og har god helhetsforståelse for Service Now-utvikling? Vil du utvikle deg sammen med oss i Norges største frivillige humanitære organisasjon?
Service Now-ansvarlig
Er du god til å sette deg inn i nye ting og har god helhetsforståelse for Service Now-utvikling? Vil du lede dette arbeidet i Norges største frivillige humanitære organisasjon?
Vi søker flere nye kolleger
Ser du for deg en karriere i Røde Kors? Se våre ledige stillinger her
Se video:
Condimentum posuere ultricies
Here is what happens once you've submitted your application:
1. You will receive a confirmation email once we receive your application. If you do not receive this, please check your spam folder.
2. After the application deadline, we will review all submissions.
3. If you are selected, we will invite you for an interview, usually within two weeks.
4. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed.
5. Remaining applicants will be informed once the recruitment process is complete. The overall process length may vary depending on the position.
Employees are insured against occupational injuries, business travel accidents, and leisure accidents. Additionally, all employees with at least a 20% position are covered by a group life insurance plan. We provide salary advances during sick leave and generous provisions for dependents in the event of an employee's death.
We offer flexible working hours, with standard working hours from 08:15 to 16:00. During summer, we operate summer hours from 08:00 to 15:00.
Other benefits include access to a staff canteen, occupational health services, support for physical activity, and opportunities for courses and professional development. At our headquarters in Oslo, we also organize social activities such as yoga, a sauna group, and a dodgeball team.
Frequently asked questions:
Jah Langleite
IT Senior Architect at the Norwegian Red Cross
– This is a great place to work. We care about each other and have the openness and security needed to discuss and disagree.
We are looking for new colleagues
Can you envision a career in the Red Cross?
Vil du jobbe med utvikling og arkitektur av CRM-løsningen til verdens største frivillige humanitære organisasjon?
CRM ansvarlig - Dynamics 365 / Dataverse
Vil du jobbe med utvikling og arkitektur av CRM-løsningen til verdens største frivillige humanitære organisasjon?
See all available positions here.
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